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The Ocean 

An Oceanic Duo 

Here we see that the Ocean has always been a protector of Moana. From the time she is a baby, the Ocean has sought out Moana as a protege or "chosen one" The Ocean has kept Moana on a path of righteousness, kept her on track for her greater divine mission and protected her against hardships she faces along the way. 

A Protector?

The Ocean constantly has Moana's safety in mind. From the innocent returning of baby Moana to the beach so she doesn't get in trouble, to safely getting her to Maui's island during a storm, the Ocean sets out to protect Moana. This sense of protection allows Moana to trust in the Ocean and find safety in her faith. However, this protective relationship is challenged when the Kakamora try to steal Te Fiti's heart for themselves. Whilst being attacked by the coconut warriors, Moana exclaims "Ocean, do something! Help us!" to which Maui rebuttals, "The Ocean doesn't help you, you help yourself!" This abandonment by the Ocean in a time of need doesn't challenge Moana's faith in the Ocean. In fact, this leads to her and Maui working together for the first time, and results in her first real victory, giving her the confidence she needs to finish the rest of her journey; thus strengthening her faith in the Ocean as not only a protector, but a divine guide. This faith is what carries Moana throughout her greater journey, as she knows she is not  alone, and always protected. 

A Divine Guide?

Many Polynesian religions involve water water as a sacred being. This is explored in Moana as the Ocean is given a great deal of personality, and perhaps has one of the most significant roles in the film. The Ocean first seeks out Moana to fulfill the destiny of restoring Te Fiti's heart when she is a baby before the curse falls upon the island. Then, years later when Moana is ready to fight for her faith to Motunui, the Ocean guides her on a path to finish this prophecy. Moana knows she can trust the Ocean as it has been something she's drawn to her whole life. Thus, she knows that the plan the Ocean has for her is right and trusts in herself as the "chosen one" for this mission. In Polynesian religion the ocean is an animate source of both mystery, wisdom and loyalty, qualities which Moana's Ocean constantly portrays. Throughout the whole film we see a close relationship between Moana and the Ocean which has a foundation of trust, loyalty and belief in each other. Therefore, suggesting the Ocean is more than just a cute sidekick to Moana, it is her guide on a righteous journey to fulfil a greater prophecy in saving nature. 

Moana. Directed by Ron Clements et al., Walt Disney Animation Studios, 2016.

Larsen, John. “Moana and Living Water” Think Christian,

Shaw, Sylvie, Francis, Andrew. Deep Blue: Critical Reflections on Nature, Religion and Water. Equinox Publishing Ltd., 2008, London.

Williamson, Robert. Religious and Cosmic Beliefs of Central Polynesia. Cambridge University Press, 1933.

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