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From the early scenes of Moana, we learn that in the beginning there was only an ocean until the island goddess Te Fiti emerged and created life. Te Fiti is a creator of the islands and life, thus becoming the closest thing Moana has to a dogma. Nature becomes a divine source for the Islanders as Maui begins to manipulate natural sources for the benefit of humans, therefore, signifying that nature can give them everything they could ever want. This is something the Islanders hold close to their hearts and as a result, Moana is taught from a young age to have faith in nature as a source of life and as a protector. Her grandmother passed down stories rooted in divine nature which only strengthens her faith. When Maui's curse sends darkness throughout the islands and challenges nature's ability to give life, Moana and the other Islanders do not lose faith. In fact, this only enhances Moana's devotion to nature, she sees it as her religious duty to protect the island that gave her life. Her loyalty to nature is unwavering throughout even the toughest challenges. Throughout her journey to restore Te Fiti's heart, Moana knew she could rely on the Ocean to guide and protect her when necessary. The Ocean, however, left Moana in strategic moments when she needed to discover things on her own. Moana's burning desire from her early life was to figure out who she is and how she belongs, and through her faith, she found the answer to this profound question. She realizes she is a girl who has a deep love for the ocean and islands in which she comes from. She sees she is rooted in her faith and nature is a vital part of who she is. The island in which she comes from becomes closely interconnected in who she sees herself as, she understands that nature calls upon her to be a divine leader and protector, thus, understanding her responsibility in her faith as the chosen one. Moana's faith in nature leads her to find her greatest truth and bring about harmony both internally, and externally in her life. Therefore, Moana is about more than an environmentalist agenda, it is about how a connectedness rooted in nature can fulfill the soul; and how nature can guide one to follow their true path. Moana's greater destiny is to live in harmony with nature and continue her faith, and the sharing of that faith with the other Islanders.   

©2018 by Moana: Diving Deep into Nature Spirituality

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